Fall Gospel Meeting with Joey Barkley
Joey Barkley is a graduate of Freed-Hardeman University and worships with the East Main congregation in Murfreesboro, TN. He is a regular fill-in minister at congregations all over the Middle Tennessee area. He delivered this series of lessons at the Wood Church of Christ, 99 Sally Parton Road, Woodbury TN 37190, on October 7-10, 2018. They are all below with an option to stream or download, plus additional information regarding each lesson. See below for information on these lessons on CD.
Sunday Class - God's Preparation (Judges 7:1-2)
Run Time 37:50
Sunday Morning - God's Power (Judges 7:3)
Run Time 30:38
Sunday Evening - God's Procedure, Part 1 (Judges 7:4-7)
Run Time 50:00
Monday Evening - God's Procedure, Part 2 (Judges 7:4-7)
Run Time 41:28
Tuesday Evening - God's Promises (Judges 7:7)
Run Time 31:11
Wednesday Evening - God's Providence
Run Time 38:28
If you would like a copy of these sermons on a CD (set of 3), please contact us. Thank you!