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The Justin Reed Show is a four hour radio show on 88.3 FM WMTS on the MTSU campus in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. On each show, we play the best in classic country, bluegrass, Americana, classic and Southern rock! Listen each week to hear music from Middle Tennessee "locals" like Uncle Dave Macon, Jimmy C. Newman, and more from vinyl to CD from mp3s, we play it all! From hearing the cracks and pops on Johnny Cash's 1956 "Folsom Prison Blues" 45 rpm single to having a live studio guest, along with news, weather and sports, The Justin Reed Show's got it all! Tune in and hear what all the buzz is about!
The man behind the mic
Justin D. Reed comes from the great Woodbury, TN (hometown of Uncle Dave Macon), located just South of Murfreesboro. Justin went to high school in Coffee County, where he has served as the "Voice of Red Raider Football." Adding to his list of jobs behind a microphone, Justin is also the pulpit minister at Wood Church of Christ in Woodbury. Another job Justin holds is making balloon animals as the Balloon Dude. In his free time, Justin enjoys listening to great music and finding "new" old songs for the show, collecting coins and autographs, and hanging out with friends; Justin is a member of the American Numismatic Association and the American Philatelic Society. He loves to go looking for new vinyl to play on his show, and is always adding to his private collection. All of the music played on the show comes from Justin's own personal library which includes over 1500 CDs, 1200 45 rpm singles, and 1100 LP albums. Justin and TJRS have been nominated for a Golden Mic Award in 2014; he was awarded 2nd in the Nation for best live music. He was honored once again to be in the top 5 in the nation for "Best Live Music" and new for 2015 the "Best Celebrity Interview" category. Justin was honored with "Best Celebrity Interview again in 2017 for his interview with Dolly Parton. Justin was also voted the 2015 Radio Personality of the Year from the Nashville Universe and was nominated for the same award in 2016. Reed was nominated for 'DJ of the Year" from R.O.P.E. in 2017 and was named Top 5 in the Nation with a Golden Mic for "Best Live Music" for "Will the Circle Be Unbroken" from the 200th show and "Best Promo" with Dolly Parton for 2018!
Some previous guests on The Justin Reed Show: Brian Ingrassia | Bill Anderson | Dan O'Shannon | Tom Neff | Shawn Anfinson | Billy Henson | Pete Weber | Bruce Nemerov | Amy Macy | Jan Howard | Devinne Raye | Beau Braswell | Raymond Berry | Justice Wenzlick | Jim Ed Brown | Justin Keasling | David Watson | Bobby Osborne, Jr. | Shawn Smith | Richard Sterban | Martin Fisher | Lucinda Cockrell | Leroy Van Dyke | Jimmy C. Newman | Guy Gilchrist | Lance Chandler | Jimmy Fortune | Kelsey McDonald | Darrin Vincent | Evan Hatch | Rhonda Vincent | Bob Pondillo | Andrew Pope | Pete Fisher | Hilda Stuart | Jennifer Stuart | Ralph Vaughn | Teea Goans | Laken Bowles | Haley Miller | Billy Henson | Ray Walker | Charlie Chase | Mike Webb | Kacey Smith | Daniel Kleindienst | Breanna Frye | Johnny Counterfit | Sincerely, Southpaw | Stonewall Jackson | SGT Broede Stucky | Manuel | Ranger Doug | Peter Cooper | Jesse McReynolds | Shelby Lee Lowe | Keith Walker | The Law Firm | Murphy Ford | Breanna Frye | Ralph Emery | Sonny Louvin | Luke Caccetta | Robyn Morshead | Larry Black | Breanna Frye | Erin Enderlin | Leroy Troy | Paul Bogart | Cowboy Joe & Carol Babcock | Jason Coleman | Adam Sparks | Dicky Dixon | Chris Davis | Mary-Grace Williams | Jim Ed Brown | Jack Brunson | Melvin Sloan | Travis Bowlin | Joseph Akins | Luke Caccetta | The Snares | Vernon Oxford | John Hubbard | Dale Cockrell | Stephen Foust | Billy Henson | Becky Hobbs | Pam Matthews | Stu Phillips | RT Williams | Erin Enderlin | Ken Mellons | Gibson Cage | Anthony Focx | Todd Taylor | Mike Moody | Tom Wood | Ken Paulson | Ralph Vaughn | Sarah Allison Turner | Eli Rhodes | Carolyn Martin | Dave Martin | Mike Armistead | Dicky Dixon | Mandy Barnett | Adam Sparks | Teea Goans | Carolina Story | Dale Cockrell | Cole Washburn | Rachel Cruze | Todd Taylor | Mike Moody | Billy Henson | Luke Caccetta | Matthew Snare | Justin Reed | Joseph Akins | Greg Reish | Stephen Wade | Pete Weber | Doug Smith | Travis Bowlin | Herb Aaron | Mac Wiseman | T. Graham Brown | Erin McLendon | Eddie Saenz | Doug Briney | Jeff Cook | Jason Coleman | Beau Braswell | Vladapus9 | Andrew Pope | Matthew Snare | Erin McLendon | Shelby Lee Lowe | Teea Goans | Matthew Snare | Cody McKinney | Erin Enderlin | Doug Briney | Cole Washburn | Fred Goodwin | Chris Porter | Eddie Seanz | 2Country4Nashville | Carolyn Martin | Dave Martin | Ben Rush | Luke Caccetta | Shelby Lee Lowe | Matthew Snare | Oren Oliver | Bill Wilkerson | Cole Washburn | Emy Antelle | Erin Enderlin | Teea Goans | Todd Taylor | Mike Moody | Greg Reish | Matt Brown | Erin McLendon | Eddie Saenz | Doug Briney | Johnny Counterfit | Ben Rush | Doug Smith | Ranger Doug | Jeannie Seely | the LACS | Sarah Allison Turner | Amanda Jo | Carmen Brandy | Terri Matern | Doug Matern | Erin McLendon | Anita Stapelton | Bruce Walker | Rainey Qualley | Henri Pensis | Kacey Jones | Thornton Cline | Ruby Boots | Lee Jones | Luke Caccetta | Greg Reish | Kelly Ann Monahan | Joseph Akins | Emily Winton | Charlie Daniels | Erin McLendon | Sawyer Brown | Teea Goans | Tracy Lawrence | Andrew Pope | Doug Smith | Luke Caccetta | Matthew Snare | 2Country4Nashville | Greg Reish | Kacey Jones | Sir Fred Cannon | Rose Drake | Cole Washburn | Teea Goans | Carmen Brandy | Doug Briney | Lorrie Morgan | Erin McLendon | Bill Wilkerson | Twang and Round | Leona Williams | Cowboy Joe Babcock | Sara Rachele | Freddie Hart | Charlene Montgomery | Johnny Western | Even Stevens | Renae Johnson | Mo Pitney | Todd Taylor | Mike Moody | Rex Wiseman | Ronnie McDowell | Vernon Oxford | Stella Parton | Dolly Parton | Cyndi Lauper | Erin McLendon | Luke Caccetta | Matthew Snare | Bruce Walker | Greg Reish | John Fabke | Jesse McReynolds & the Virginia Boys | Tawnya Reynolds | Jason Lee McKinney | Jason Coleman | Tank Jones | Ronnie Buff | Ron Christy | Chris McKim | Charlie Hager | Ben Douglas | Ryan Dishen | Roni Stoneman | Howard Eisenberg | Corey Frizzell | Carolyn Martin | Dave Martin | Nathan Bell | Charlie Farley | Erin McLendon | Karen Wheeler | Dan Whittle | Jason Lee McKinney | Bob Shane | Fred Goodwin | Kentucky Just Us | John Conlee | Thornton Cline | Luke Caccetta | The Bellamy Brothers | Lacey Snider | Bill Anderson | Leona Williams | Ron Williams | Tim Atwood | Billy Henson | Teresa Camp | Gary West | Doug Briney | Luke Caccetta | Erin McLendon | Brandon Salaway | Carol Lands | Emmylou Harris | Robyn Taylor | Laura Leigh Jones | Barry Shore | Noah Smith | Ben Rush | Austin DerryBerry | Chris Stalcup | Michael Westbrook | Erin McLendon | Larry Martin | Ryan Broshear | Jake Ashley | Chris Clark | Teea Goans | Kristi Hoopes | Gary Morris | 2Country4Nashville | Austin Derryberry | Courtney Williams | Luke Caccetta | Ryan Broshear | The Glade City Rounders | Greg Reish | Kentucky Just Us | Dolly Parton | Exile | Pretty Gritty | Richard Sterban | Roy Clark | Larry Martin | Paul Martin | Brenda Lynn Allen | Tim Atwood | Sweet Home Symphony | Sylvia | Erin McLendon | Jeannie Seely | Hallie Long | Reed Barton | Richard Lynch | Matthew Snare | Jake Landis | Danny Bean | Madelyn Victoria | Nina Ricci | Tom Brown | Moonsville Collective | Wilson Fairchild | Tom Carter | Irlene Mandrell | Roxie Randale | Arista Manning | Kurt Fortmeyer | Thornton Cline | Mary Jackson | Elizabeth Jackson | Lily Jackson | Shari Rowe | DeDe Wedekind | Ryan Bizarri | Michael Tyler | Ayla Brown | Doug Briney | Abby McDaniel | Mikayla Barkley | Joel Bain | Out of the Dust | The Revis | Elliot Smith | Donnie Lee Strickland | Drew Mitchell | Larry Martin | Sweet Home Symphony | Megan Golden | Brandon Maddox | Bobby G. Rice | Tara Thompson | Matt Workman | Juliana Hale | Sam Rochford | Mark Rickert | Richard Lynch | Kaitie Wade | Rex Wiseman | Linda Grimes | Erin McLendon | Jimmy Fortune | Georgette Jones | Jason Lee McKinney | Jessie Lynn | Andy "R." | Emerald Butler | Wilson Fairchild | Shane Owens | Erin McLendon | Teea Goans | Mike Watkins | Larry Martin | Aaron Vance | Rick Monroe | Melissa Luman Phillips | Los Kingdom | Lauren Ashley Autrey | Angelica Robinson | Gary West | Shelby Lee Lowe | Kent Maxson | Jaysen Gold | Bobby Marquez | Melissa Ramski | Brennan B. | Matthew Snare | Fatemah Gholtoghian | Second Floor Stereo | Larry Martin | The Thomas Sisters | Matthew Snare | Madison Snare | Ted Sidelinger | John J. Kennedy | Erin McLendon | Ronnie McDowell | Lissa Hart | Bobby Bare | Ray Scott | Victoria Paige Meyerink | Jada Vance | Jamie Lee Thurston | Jennifer McGill | Ava Paige | Heidi Raye | David Sanders | Denny Strickland | Audra McLaughlin | Big Kenny | Sweet Home Symphony | Amy & Eli | Erik Flores | Eric Brace | Thomm Jutz | Coby Greer | Richard Young | Gretchen Keskeys | Madelyn Victoria | James Robert Webb | Teea Goans | Austin Derryberry | Bobby Marquez | Martin Family Circus | Darrin Vincent | Bradley Walker | Thomm Jutz | Zach DuBois | Mary Sarah | Wanda Jackson | Hallie Long | MountainCity | Marty Dunn | Leroy Van Dyke | Fred Goodwin | Tommy Nallie | Ridiculas Trixx | Tommy Nallie | Fred Goodwin | Joe Stampley | Rhythm-N-Roses | Izzy Mahoubi | Larry Martin | Cherish Lee | Charlene Tilton | Erin McLendon | Kaylee Keller | Brett Kissel | Violet Bell | Melanie Meriney | Kentucky Just Us | MARi Burelle, Austin, & Terry | Tim Surrett | Charlie Daniels | Katie Garibaldi | Margie Singleton | Shane Owens | Christina Taylor | Erin McLendon | Bill Wilkerson | Doug Flowers | Thornton Cline | Mary Elizabeth Jackson | Alice Antimie | Elizabeth Jackson | Lily Jackson | Matt Westin | Nu Blu | Don McLean | Monika Ryan | Jimmy Charles | Abigail Sloane | Man About A Horse | the Farmer & Adele | The Eddie T. Band | Brandon Maddox | Ayla Brown | Austin Derryberry | Casey Meikle | Brock Rovenstine | Luke Caccetta | Adrian Prater | Hallie Long | Devin Henry | Kristy Cox | Jada Vance | Sister Hazel | Vince Youngs | Pepper jay | Brian Cumming | Shenandoah | Ron Russell | Bob Welsh | Jeremy Parsons | Rhythm-n-Roses | Tom Brown | Victoria Paige Meyerink | Jessica Guran | Andrew Pope | Oak Ridge Boys | Nina Ricci | Backline Bluegrass | Ben de la Cour | Goeffrey Lewis | Rod Picott | Bellamy Brothers | Lacie Carpenter | Becky Perry Brown | Echo Valley Bluegrass | Caleche Ryder | Ranger Doug | Scott Southworth | Rebecca Rae | Andy May | Southern Halo | Julie Richardson | Gene Watson | DuShane Band | Chuck Thomas | George Hamilton, V | George Hamilton, VI | Erin McLendon
On the dial...
The Justin Reed Show is heard each week on 88.3 FM WMTS. Started in 1992, WMTS is the only remaining college radio station in Middle Tennessee that is 100% student ran. To hear a live stream of WMTS, click on their name below. Studio B is located in the John Bragg Media and Entertainment Building on the MTSU campus in the Center for Innovation in Media. We currently broadcast at 680 Watts of power reaching all 250,000 Rutherford County residents. The Justin Reed Show is the only show on the station (and in Murfreesboro) that plays Country and Bluegrass music.
For more info: WMTS | Center for Innovation in Media | College of Media and Entertainment
For more info: WMTS | Center for Innovation in Media | College of Media and Entertainment